Education and Labor Market in Albania and European Union: Achievements and Challenges


  • Jani Sota Aleksander Moisiu University Durres, Albania



Education system, Vocational education, Employment, Labor market, Competition


The education system in Albania since the post-1990 period has undergone numerous reforms, with the aim of keeping pace with developments in this field with the European Union countries. These reforms have not always proved successful and applicable to the conditions of Albania. Consequently, nowadays we face an education system that generally succeeds in preparing young generations for the labor market, but lacks a proper match of labor supply and demand. Adequate development of education in Albania for a workforce that suits the needs of the market constitutes the primary condition towards maximum productivity. Given Albania's pre-accession status in the European Union, it is important that the workforce must ensure competitiveness with the European market. On the other hand, some of the European Commission's recommendations express the need for a higher education law with quality functioning institutions, greater development of higher education curriculumn and improved access to youth inclusion in vocational education development. As well as the education system, which will be trated in this research, the labor market in the European Union is also highly diversified, with member states designing and implementing various policies to promote employment and increase the productivity of local industries over the years. Within the labor market policies, some of them can be listed that apply across EU member states: training, employment incentives, employment support and rehabilitation, direct job creation, incentives to start up ups; social care for the unemployed, early retirement, etc.


Received: 2 June 2021 / Accepted: 10 July 2021 / Published: 15 July 2021




How to Cite

Sota, J. . (2021). Education and Labor Market in Albania and European Union: Achievements and Challenges. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development, 8(1), 64.


