International Instruments for the Principle of Equality


  • Majlinda Velcani Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences and Law, University of Aleksandër Moisiu, Durrës



principle of equality, non-discrimination, convention, human rights


The purpose of this paper is to show what are the international instruments for the realization of equality and non-discrimination. The international instruments for the realization of equality and to fight discrimination are always in continuous development, being harmonized with the initiatives of different countries. These initiatives not only individually but also in joint coordination. The concept of equality and freedom has evolved enormously in the last decades, but it still remains a present problem. The aim is that these principles are not only foreseen in international conventions or other legal acts, but to be realized in practice. The main objectives of the paper are: 1. To give a broader picture of all international instruments for the realization of equality, 2. To show what measures are taken to realize the principle of equality. Methodology: for the realization of the paper, I have based the collection of information from secondary sources, such as various authors who have spoken about equality and the most important international instruments that sanction the principle of equality. Qualitative methods have been used and the collected information will be analyzed, drawing the relevant recommendations and conclusions. First, what equality is will be determined, then continuing with the interpretation of international acts for the realization of equality and protection from discrimination.


Received: 25 December 2023 / Accepted: 25 February 2024 / Published: 23 April 2024




How to Cite

Velcani, M. (2024). International Instruments for the Principle of Equality. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development, 11(1 S1), 82.