Profile of Albanian Journalists During the Communist Period


  • Ardita Reçi Dr.



journalist, communism, propaganda, orientations, media


During the Albanian communist period, the role of journalists was often evaluated, treated or judged the same as that of writers. And this duality has also happened in their professional status. Famous Albanian writers were often read in the press pages (such as the well-known case of Petro Markos), and various journalists have switched from journalistic to literary careers. We will talk about these transformations or co-exercises of both "related" professions in this scientific treatise. This topic is a panoramic view, with historical nuances of the evolution of the Albanian media in the period of communism. But its meaning will emerge through the analysis of the position, rights and obligations enjoyed by Albanian journalists of the time. For its realization, bibliographic data and analysis of various scientific works will be used. We will orient the theoretical support from books that deal with propaganda and public communications in totalitarian regimes. Selected literature in the field of media sociology will also be used. The methodology that will be used will be reflected first in the bibliographic and theoretical study, in the analysis and in the qualitative method of evaluating the bibliographic data.


Received: 12 June 2024 / Accepted: 25 July 2024 / Published: 29 July 2024




How to Cite

Reçi, A. (2024). Profile of Albanian Journalists During the Communist Period. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development, 11(2), 96.


