Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy


Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) publishes research articles, case studies, literature reviews (book, web-based, multimedia), work-in-progress articles, and conference reports that emphasize unique intellectual developments in the Interdisciplinary studies.

Editing Procedures

All submissions to IJRD are subject to a double-blind peer review process. Peer reviewers are appointed for a period of 3 years repeatable term by the managing editor. Peer reviewers read and evaluate content for accuracy and professional or historical significance and make recommendations to the Editorial Board on the efficacy of articles as part of the final approval or rejection process.

After a manuscript is submitted, the managing editor assigns an editor-at-large to oversee the editorial process. The assigned editor contacts a minimum of two peer reviewers to evaluate the manuscript under a 30 day deadline. After the peer reviewers have read and evaluated the manuscript, they submit their report to the editor along with one of the following three recommendations for publication:

  • Accept the manuscript for publication without revision
  • Accept the manuscript for publication with minor revisions.
  • Accept the manuscript for publication with major revisions.
  • Reject the manuscript for publication.

After the editor receives the peer reviewers’ recommendations, they are forwarded to the author, who will then perform the necessary revisions and submit a new draft within a time frame determined by the editor. The editor then reviews the final draft to determine whether the manuscript is ready for publication, or if it requires further peer review. Once a manuscript is ready for publication, it is forwarded to the copy editor who will review the manuscript to ensure that the text adheres to IJRD’s formatting and style guidelines. Once the copy editor’s work is done, the managing editor performs a final review of the manuscript and publishes it.

Authors who publish in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)  agree to the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.